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'Down in the Woods'                                                                                                   2019                   Publisher Hélène Lesger                           ISBN 978- 90-826-836-3-9


'Fabric Pictures' a workshop with Janet Bolton                                                          2015                   Publisher Jacqui Small

'Janet Bolton's Textile Pictures'                                                                                  2007          

'My Grandmother’s Patchwork quilt'                                                                           1994                   Tango Books                                                ISBN 1-85707-034-8

'Mrs Noah’s Patchwork Quilt'                                                                                      1995                   Tango Books                                                ISBN 1-85707-083-6

Two children’s books each containing a packet of fabric templates.

'Patchwork Folk Art'                                                                                                    1995                   Museum Quilts Publications                        ISBN 1-897954-54-9

Lavishly illustrated description of Janet Bolton’s inspirations and working methods.

'In a Patchwork Garden'                                                                                             1996                   Museum Quilts Publications                        ISBN 0-8442-2624-6

A project book with pictures designed for others to make.

'Speckled Hen in the Kitchen'                                                                                     1997                   Bloomsbury Press                                        ISBN 0-7475-2847-0

'Green Frog in the Sitting Room'                                                                                1997                   Bloomsbury Press                                        ISBN 0-7475-2846-2

'White Goose in the Bathroom'                                                                                   1997                   Bloomsbury Press                                        ISBN 0-7475-2844-6

'Black cat in the Bedroom'                                                                                          1997                   Bloomsbury Press                                        ISBN 0-7475-2845-4



Books containing chapters on Janet Bolton

Chapter in ‘The Quiltmakers'                                                                                      2012                   Publishers, David and Charles 

'Where Women Create'                                                                                              2013                   Published in 2013 by WWW

'Connecting Design to Stitch'                                                                                      2012                  Batsford Press

Quilters' by Jo Packham                                                                                                              

Quilt Road by Kaffe Fassett                                                                                        2005                   Rowan Yarns Ltd                                            ISBN 1-904485-40-5
Available October 2005

'Classic Crafts'                                                                                                            1989                    Conran Octopus

'The Passionate Quilter'                                                                                                                          By Michelle Walker Ebury Press 

'The Art and Craft of Appliqué'                                                                                                                By Juliet Bawden Mitchell Beazley 

'Stars'                                                                                                                                                      Conran Octopus 

'Hearts'                                                                                                                                                    Conran Octopus 

'CRAFTS', The London Crafts By Mariko Take                                                                                       Japanese Publisher 

'Contemporary Embroidery!'                                                                                                                    Studio Vista

Exciting and Innovative 'Textile Art' By Anne Morreli                                                                              



Magazine Articles

Quiltmania: Simply Vintage Summer (n11 six page spread)                                         2019

Interview in the internet magazine                                               April 2019

Workshop on the web

Celebrity interview in www.workshopontheweb                                                            2016

Designer feature in Folk Art Special                                                                             2014 

produced by Popular Patchwork magazine

Quilts Japan, 2011                                                                                                        2011  

Quilts Japan Nov 2010                                                                                                 2010  

'Embroidery' Nov-Dec                                                                                                   2007  

Patchworkquilt Tsutsin, Japan                                                                                      2007  

'Cloth, Paper, Sissors'. Quilting Arts,                                                                            2007

May/June 2007 issue.
Available from

'Patchwork and Quilting' Feb 07 Issue 157                                                                   2007  

'Quiltmania' The Quilt Magazine  No. 50                                                                       2006  

The Embroidery magazine  Sept 06 issue                                                                    2006  

Website design by Ben Skinner
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