The main emphasis of the workshop is to encourage students to
develop their own ideas - with help readily available. Working
directly with the fabric, Janet explains and demonstrates the simple
sewing techniques required. She will also demonstrate the exciting
process of cutting shapes, rearranging and sewing down the various
elements until a pleasing composition has been achieved.
Illustrated Talk
Bringing images to show and a good selection of actual pieces of work, Janet
tells of her own experiences, development and influences. Questions
are invited during the illustrated talk on working methods.
Anyone interested in organising a workshop to be given by Janet, please contact her at
West Dean College
Tuesday 25th - Thursday 27th March
Chichester, West Sussex
Cowslip Workshop
Saturday 24th + Sunday 25th May
Launceston, Cornwall
Cowslip Workshop
Saturday 20th + Sunday 21st April
Launceston, Cornwall
West Dean College
Friday 17th - Sunday 19th May
Chichester, West Sussex
Open workshop venues, please contact the
venues for details:
'Cowslip Workshops'
Launceston, Cornwall.
West Dean College
Chichester, West Sussex